An Hour A Day: Creative Entrepreneur

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If you're a creative trying to build your passion into a business, this series will change how you look at your ideas, your wallet, and your legacy.

This is a blueprint for aspiring Creative Entrepreneurs, offering the insights and strategies I wish I had at the start of my journey. My journey from an MBA in corporate finance to a Creative Entrepreneur serves as the backbone for these lessons, highlighting the practical steps and strategic thinking needed to turn creative passions into a sustainable business, no matter what niche you choose.

Learn the strategies the most successful businesses use, but reframed as an actionable methodology for creative startups.

This isn't just another dream-selling book; it's a call to action to build a creative legacy that lasts, grounded in the reality of entrepreneurship's challenges and rewards.

The four books you are about to learn from are broken into:

  • Basics – Creative Entrepreneurship basics
    • Do You Want Art or Money More? (Creative Entrepreneurship)
    • Should You Do It? (Mindset)
    • Why Are You Doing It? (Your Goals)
    • Why Should Anyone Care? (Your Buyer's Goals)
  • Strategy – How to plan a creative business for your best chance at success
    • How Do People Run Businesses? (Business Frameworks)
    • Are Your Ideas Realistic? (Market Research)
    • How Do You Turn Your Ideas Into A Business? (Business Plan)
    • Do You Want To Do This Forever? (Scaling & Exit Plan)
  • Toolkit – The classes you’d take for a business degree, but for a Creative Entrepreneur
    • How Do You Use What You Have To Build? (Operations)
    • How Do You Get More Resources To Build With? (Finance)
    • How Do You Find People Who Will Buy? (Marketing)
    • How Do You Convince People To Buy? (Sales)
  • Implementation – Actionable steps to build your business
    • How Do You Measure Success? (Review)
    • Where Do You Start? (Startup Tasks)
    • How Do You Decide What To Do Next? (Prioritizing)
    • How Do You Do It? (Get To Work)

About the Creator

Hi, it's MADkurious. I'm a gamer on Twitch and YouTube and a creator economy consultant delving into the industry's business side, as well. I want to decrease the amount I help corporations thrive and increase the amount I help individuals and small businesses thrive. This series is my passion project, but I also hope you, at minimum, 10X the $27 you spend on it so we empower each other to build more awesome stuff!

I'd love to connect with you on X/Twitter to continue sharing ideas. May your creations be many and your journey be fulfilling.

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100% money-back guarantee if you read the entire series and don't get $27 of value.

If you don't feel as though you received that value, I'd greatly appreciate if you reached out to me at with any questions about Creative Entrepreneurship that I did not answer so that I might be able to steer you in the right direction and potentially include those topics in future publications.

Last updated Feb 23, 2024

Digital E-books (PDF, EPUB, MOBI) of a 4-book series. An Hour A Day: Creative Entrepreneur: Basics, Strategy, Toolkit, Implementation.

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An Hour A Day: Creative Entrepreneur

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